The Writer's Nest

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I Didn't Give Up! By Sheryl Norman

It is amazing to think of myself as an author. I really never dreamed that I would ever publish a work. Maybe I should not say that because I did write a lot growing up, in notebooks, in diaries, or anything with paper. My voice was silenced but my pen could speak volumes.

If and when the thought of writing popped into my head, the thought that I could not do it also popped into my mind. I would have thoughts such as, “You didn’t go to college. You are not an English major. What do you know about writing? What are you going to write that anyone would want to read?” That would stop me dead in my tracks and I would just write poetry for special occasions. I thought well I’m still writing. No one but me read it at special events, and then I would put it away. I did submit a poem to one of those poetry contests and it got published. I thought that would have to suffice and I put that behind me because I did not feel “qualified” to do any real writing.

And then, I was inspired to write the book. No, not me!  I started several times over the years and would get stuck and stop.  But then came the pandemic, I was stuck at home with plenty of time on my hands, really relating and listening to God. I heard Him say, “Now it’s time.” So, I began writing, compiling all the other attempts, and listening to what He would direct me to write when He would wake me up between 2:00 am - 6:00 am in the morning. If I didn’t get up and go to my computer, I would write on a tablet that I kept next to my bed.  I finally finished it. Then I asked, “Now God what do I do with it?” So I asked for help and direction from someone in the business.  He directed me to person He wanted to mentor me. Where I was lacking in knowledge, I was able to receive assistance. That’s when I found out that the writing portion was the easy part.

The harder part for me was the waiting and what appeared to be delays. Completion just didn’t seem to come quick enough. There are a lot of parts that need to be fulfilled to get a work published and costs associated. I guess God said He had waited on me for so long, now it was my turn. I had to keep reminding myself that a delay is not a denial and that it would come to pass. What kept me going was knowing that someone was waiting for this work to be completed.    I also believed that what I had written was needed at such a time as this. I believe that every delay was Him working something out in me or the ones to receive this work. And then, it came to pass! When I got to hold the finished book in my hands, it was so exciting. I am so glad I didn't abort it before it was birthed out. 

Stick with the process, stay the course and hang in there. It shall surely come to pass and will accomplish what it was intended to do.