"The Nurturing Place for The Writer In You!"

The Author's Nest Membership Site

Authors In The Nest


"We're the Author's Place for AIR!"

Assistance ~ Inspiration ~ Resources

We understand what's needed to successfully complete your book, promote your book, and sell your book.  The TWN AUTHOR'S NEST was designed to ensure your success.  It is our goal to escort you through the process.  This Members Only Site is for both the aspiring and experienced Author.  In the TWN AUTHORS' NEST, we provide:

  • AN ONLINE MEETING PLACE - This online meeting place for Authors is a place of collaboration. Here Authors with varying degrees of experience can connect, share, and encourage each other. It's a great mixing place for Authors.

  • THE BLAB - THE BLAB is the portion of our Membership Site through which we feature an Author each week. Here we highlight our Author of the week on the homepage by sharing their bio, a link to purchase their book, and a blog written by the Author. Not only do we BLAB about our featured Author on our Site, we share our BLAB via facebook, instagram, and twitter. The goal is increasing each Author's exposure, and providing the opportunity for increased sales.

  • THE NEST - THE NEST serves as our HUB for AUTHORS (Nesters) and The TWN BOOK CLUB (Bookers):

    • NESTERS - THE NESTERS portion of our Membership Site provides each Author with a professional online presence to be shared with others. Those visiting this section of our site will find a picture and bio for each of our Authors (Nesters). Additionally, for each Author (Nester) who purchases one of our qualifying Writer's Nest Services, there are timelines, to do's, and progress for current project(s) in a personal online back office created just for that Author.

    • THE TWN BOOK CLUB - THE TWN BOOK CLUB provides each Author the opportunity to lead readers on a 30-Day online journey through their book. The goal is increasing Authors exposure and providing the opportunity for increased book sales.

  • TIPS, TOOLS & VIDEOS - TIPS, TOOLS & VIDEOS is devoted to supplying each Author with resources to assist with each portion of the writing, editing, publishing, and promoting process. It's the one stop shop for resources, references, and how to's to complete projects, and to prepare the Author for life after their project is completed.

  • EVENTS - EVENTS is the portion of our Membership Site devoted to providing Authors with upcoming session information, and special events for continual development. This space also includes vending opportunities to increase Author's exposure and sales.

Are you asking if Membership is only for those who have taken sessions or published through The Writer's Nest?  Good question!  Although there are advantages and perks to our sessions and publishing, MEMBERSHIP IN THE TWN AUTHOR'S NEST IS OPEN TO ANY AUTHOR who desires to join us. We do however reserve the right to restrict our membership to author's whose material does not contain discriminatory or vulgar language, sexual content, and whose views do not oppose our beliefs.  We are a Christian based company.

We have so much to offer you!  Our goal is to support your journey from beginning to end.  Your membership in the TWN Author's Nest says you are investing in your success.  Get ready for a journey unlike any other!


Your Membership Fee will be deducted automatically monthly.  If for any reason you determine this is not the Membership Site for you, you can cancel with no further obligation.

The Author's Nest (TAN)
Every month

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.
— Henry Ford