"The Nurturing Place for The Writer In You!"

We'll publish you too!

Have you written your book and need a publisher to assist you?  We can help you!  What does a publisher do?  To ensure that your book is set up properly, a publisher:

  • Prepares your book for print through assisting with or providing editorial services such as:

    • Checking Capitalization, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Sentence Structure, Syntax

    • Formatting your book so that it's print ready

    • Ebook formatting of your book

  • Identifies the best production service to print your book.

  • Assists with the selection of the best sales channels (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.) through which to sell your book.

The Writer's Nest offers the following Editorial Services:


Our first step in preparing your book for publication is the Editing process.  We desire not only that people buy your book, but that they also enjoy the read and refer it to others.  Our Editorial Services are geared towards providing the best read for those who will purchase your book.  We begin with:


The MANUSCRIPT REVIEW provides feedback from one of our editors after reading a little of the beginning, middle, and end of your manuscript.  At the completion of this review, you will receive:

  • A one page unbiased, constructive review of your manuscript detailing its strengths and suggested areas of improvement. 

  • A recommendation indicating the editing service recommended to prepare your manuscript for publication.

  • A 250-word sample edit of a page or two of your book using the editing service recommended.  The time frame for completion of this review is two weeks.

The MANUSCRIPT REVIEW is completed to determine what level of editing your manuscript requires. The cost of your recommended Editorial Service will be determined and provided after your MANUSCRIPT REVIEW has been completed.



This Editing Service focuses on the mechanics/rules of writing.  If you purchase this service, your editor will thoroughly review your manuscript for errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and syntax.  The Chicago Manual of Style Guide, the preferred style guide for the publishing industry is used.  Some formatting such as blocks will be corrected.


This Editing Service focuses on improving the flow and readability of your manuscript so that your message is clearly understood by the reader.  Wordy or awkward sentences are rewritten, passive voice to active voice changes are made, paragraph and sentence length are readjusted, transitions between thoughts and chapters are strengthened.  Line Editing also includes the services of a Basic Copy Edit.


This Editing Service is our most comprehensive.  Its goal is to make your book more marketable.  Developmental Editing is for those who have a good idea, but need help organizing their material.  Our process is two-fold:

  • First, we offer comments in the margin of your book draft indicating what changes need to be made to improve your book; and,

  • After you make the improvements and return the corrected draft to us, our editor completes a Line and Basic Copy Edit to make sure your book is ready for publication.

And, the following Publishing Packages:


 THE NESTER ONE - $999.00

One-on-One Author Support

Paperback Format

ISBN Assignment

Custom Book Cover

Interior Book Design/Layout

Image Insertion for Black & White (up to 10 images)

Choice of Trim Size

Available in E-Book Format

Electronic Proof

Author Volume Discount

Complimentary Author Copy

Five Free Paperbacks

Nonexclusive Contract 

Three Month Complimentary Membership in The TWN Author's Nest


THE NESTER TWO ~ $1,500.00

Everything in The Nester One

Copyright Registration

Library of Congress Control Number

Image Insertion for Black & White (up to 20 images)

Ten Free Paperbacks

Online Distribution


Six Month Complimentary Membership in The TWN Author's Nest


THE NESTER THREE ~ $2,300.00

Everything in The Nester One and Two

Image Insertion for Black & White (up to 30 images)

Fifteen Free Paperbacks

50 Promotional Materials


30 Day Online Group Session Featuring You and Your Book

One Year Complimentary Membership in The TWN Author's Nest



(Contact us directly for pricing on the ADD-ONs below)

New Author's Kit

30 Day Online Group Sessions Featuring You & Your Book


If you desire The Writer's Nest to publish multiple books, please state the number of books and the time frame within which you desire to complete your publication in the Editorial/Publication Information Form below.  We will prepare your custom quote including your additional books.  

***There is a $300.00 retainer added to each packet chosen.  This retainer cover the administrative costs associated with your time in the nest and the set-up of your individual nest.***

Ask about Payment Plans Available to You.


Please complete the form below and submit.  We will contact you within 48 Hours to discuss your publishing needs and provide you with a custom quote including your desired options.  To contact us directly, feel free to email us at tamaradpope@thewritersnest.org.

Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.
— Les Brown