The Nesters

meet our authors


As a servant of God for well over 35 years, God has allowed Beatrice to pastor, preach, teach, ordain, train, and help mold those who have been called into Ministry. She helps those who have leadership potential and who are in leadership roles, to develop, define, and refine the gifts and callings on their lives. The call that’s upon her life has taken her to other Nations, Countries, and Continents outside of America. Beatrice has also been instrumental in establishing several Churches(Ministries) throughout Europe (Germany in particular). She gives all the honor, glory, power to God. The One unto Whom all blessings flow. For “You Oh God, have done Great Things”! Since returning to America and having to re-establish herself, through prayer and fellowship with many tests and trials, and in obedience to The Spirit of God, another Ministry, “SSG” Supernatural Spiritual Giants Ministries, has been birthed and is launching. Hallelujah Lord Jesus! “SSG” Becoming who you really are – a Giant”, is the first of many books Beatrice believes she will release as the Spirit of God leads her. During this “launching out” process, she believes that God wants her to make herself available to the Body of Christ by way of sharing and imparting the “particular anointing” that He has placed within & upon her. Beatrice believes this particular anointing will further equip The Body of Christ to carry out the work of the Ministry.

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Ashley Colbert is from Houston, Texas. After her mother’s death, she decided to become an author to assist others with the death of their loved ones. Although it took time for her to overcome the loss of my mother and the obstacles that attacked her afterward, SHE MADE IT! She wants to be a living testimony to show God’s grace, mercy, and power, and pay it forward and help others just as someone has helped her.

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Mona Colter is the mother of three sons Christopher, Kevin & Jeremy, one grandson Micah and one granddaughter Kacey.  She has a bachelor’s in Business Administration with a specialty in Management, is a song writer and has written songs for four albums and numerous singers.  It is her desire to write a variety of books.  The first of these books are a children’s book entitled, “The Fish That Micah Caught”, and a church self help book entitled, “The Church Bully.”

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A’Star Jones-Hurd

A’Star Jones- Hurd is an encourager, motivator, veteran educator, consultant, speaker, YouTube content creator and entrepreneur.

Her journey in teaching began when she was five years old. She would oftentimes be the teacher when she played school with her cousins. In order to go from playing school to the reality of make teaching a career, she earned her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education, Master’s in Reading Education, and Master’s in Educational Administration.

For the past two decades, A’Star has been a servant leader in the field of education. She has advocated for and taught children ranging from preschool to high school. In the role of School Principal, she led over 100 staff members and 800 plus students. Through her journey as an administrator, A’Star would begin the school day with encouraging the staff and students with affirmations. She would always say, “Being in the educational field is ministry work.”

A’Star is the Founder and CEO of A’Star’s Purposeful Connections, LLC (APC). APC is a consulting and coaching firm. She lives by the scripture, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” She does this through her words of encouragement on her Youtube Channel, A’Star’s Affirmations.

One of A’Star’s gifts is being able to get along with others. People are drawn to her high energetic positive praying spirit. She enjoys pouring into others and speaking life to them during their moments of uncertainty. One day she will have a television show that focuses on affirmations for youth an adults.

A’Star’s daughter, Addison Jane, has inspired her to push and birth her first book. Her love for teaching people how to read and her love for children’s books has inspired her to become an Author.

A’Star lives in Houston, Texas with her loving and supportive husband Jarrod Hurd and their daughter Addison.  She is on her assignment of being a worthy vessel and encouraging others to live in peace, positivity, and abundance!

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Franshuan Myles

Franshuan is an anointed women of God who seeks daily to be in alignment with the word of God. She’s a teacher, an encourager, an uplifter, an empowerer, a servant and a loyal person. Franshuan considers education to be a tool that will always remain on the inner depths of our being. She has an Undergraduate and Master’s Degree in Inner City Studies. She is adamant about education and chose this career path so that she could enlighten and help her community. To further enhance her ability to assist others, Franshuan received her certification as a Spiritual Life Coach through TransForME University. Her mother always encouraged her to get her education. Although her mother is no longer with her, she still hears her small still voice and pursues various forms of education.

Click the link below to purchase Author Franshuan Myles’ first book:

Ten Times Out of Ten God's is going to do it!

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Sheryl Joyce Norman

Sheryl Joyce Norman is a respected Bible teacher, speaker, mentor, encourager and friend. She is a licensed and ordained Minister, Shepherd/Group Leader with Bible Study Fellowship International and a graduate of Every Day Seminary.

Sheryl Joyce has a servant heart, a love for God and His people and seeks to be of service in all that she does.

Sheryl Joyce resides in Houston, Texas, is a proud and devoted mother of three children along with their spouses and loving grandmother to their children. Her assignment is to introduce Jesus to everyone she meets and offer encouragement and hope to those in pain and suffering. She fulfills the great commission to go about making disciples and compelling men to come to Him.

Click the link below to purchase Author Sheryl Joyce Norman’s first book:

Pushed By Pain Into Purpose

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Cynthia Coleman Shorter is a gifted, veteran educator, a journalist and author.

Before she started writing her first children’s book, Cynthia earned a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, with a minor in Communications, from Texas Southern University.  She went on to receive certifications in Elementary Education, Early Childhood, and English as a Second Language and embarked upon a career in education.  

After nearly two decades as an educator, she began work as a reporter for The Houston Chronicle where she remained for three years.  She’s a published poetry and has written for Essence Magazine.

Cynthia later earned a graduate degree in Curriculum and Instruction and Teaching English to Students of Other Languages.  She’s currently an Early Childhood Educator of English Language Learners.  One day she plans to write full-time.

Teens and young adults are drawn to her high energy, outgoing personality and knowledge of pop culture and current events.  Her strong presence on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, helps keep her abreast of the needs of today’s youth.     

She says the greatest achievement of her life is simply being a Godly example to her two children, Amy and Caleb and her granddaughter Kai Isabella.

Cynthia still lives in her childhood neighborhood, the West End, in Houston, with the loving support of her husband, Robert Shorter. 

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Clara J. Thornton is an African American women born in the south and raised in Chicago, Illinois.

She is the daughter of a Pastor who was quite prominent all over the country through the National Baptist Convention and locally in the city of Chicago. She was raised Baptist and attended church each and every Sunday and participated in most, if not all, of the organizations that existed inside the Church. Her life was filled with the Black Baptist. As an adult, Clara spent her time in the church office helping her Dad. Thirty years of her life was spent tending to the needs of the Black Baptist as an Administrative Assistant to her dad.

Clara is not a bible scholar, nor is she a bible counselor or a Christian educator. She is not someone who claims to know all the positive and negative parts of church life. She is however a Christian woman who has lived her entire life within the inner workings of a large black Baptist church on the south side of Chicago and is sharing her story and her experiences with you.